It's been a long time since Physics 101, but if memory serves, there are four fundamental forces in the universe: the strong force,

the weak interaction, electromagnetism, and gravity. To which I respond: "Ok, Mr. Smarty Pants Physicist: how would you classify the force that inexorably draws boys, rocks, and water together? It seems as natural and powerful an impulse as any so-called "electromagnetism" to me. The rule is simple: find the biggest rocks you can carry and make the biggest splash possible, alternating every now and then with smaller ones that you can actually lift without getting a hernia.

We went up Hobble Creek canyon last night for the ward's "Father and Son" cookout. The other attraction at the campsite was to scamper up the face of a fairly steep hill (a 30% grade?) and slide down on one's posterior (for some, the sliding was inadvertent).

Nice reason #341 for living where we do: our picnicking spot up the canyon is located exactly twelve minutes from our house.
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