1. The right side of my body looks almost exactly like the left side. On the outside, at least. I don't know about the inside.
2. I think you have to admit that Chariots of the Gods gives you a lot to think about.
3. I have never eaten human flesh and I have no desire to do so.
4. I am not very good at making lists with more than 17 items on them.
5. My favorite day of the week is Thursday. Favorite time of the day: 5:21 pm.
6. I once dreamed that someone confused me with Judd Hirsch. I decided to just play along.
7. I used to wear a t-shirt with a picture of Wittgenstein on it.
8. I am fond of pointing out the parallels between Strange Brew and Hamlet. Just ask me.
9. If you get a couple of drinks in me, I get pretty wild. Wait. That's not me. I don't drink. Never mind.
10. I'm married to a woman who once arm wrestled the bass player from New Order. She won.
11. I guess I like Mickey Rooney okay but not as much as some people do.
12. I don't own a cell phone and I don't know anybody who does.
13. (This is an unlucky number so I don't have to do this one)
14. It's kind of hard to explain, but there's something about chocolate pudding that I find immensely satisfying.
15. I have eaten roasted guinea pig and enjoyed it. I have also eaten live guinea pig and didn't like it as much.
16. I have been known to wear a lady's suit to work (wait, that wasn't me. That was Michael Scott).
17. I have an unshakable testimony that Arrested Development is the greatest television show of all time.
18. When I was very young, I used to watch boring shows on PBS because I was afraid no one else was watching and I didn't want the people on TV to feel bad.
19. I sent Roddy Frame a wedding invitation. He couldn't make it but he sent a nice card (no money, though).
20. When I was about five years old, I would marvel for hours at the fact that my hand would move just because I would think of moving it. I still marvel for hours at this.
21. If the temple recommend questions are ever changed to forbid drinking Diet Coke, I'm going to have a hard choice to make.
22. I don't get the point of "texting." So that's what, like typing with your thumbs? Is that supposed to be funny?
23. I have finally come to grips with the fact that I probably will never make an NFL roster. I knew it was unlikely I would ever be drafted since I never played anything beyond Jr. High football. But a guy can dream, can't he? I guess not.
24. I can read with my eyes shut. That is very hard to do.
25. I have a short attention span, which has now been maxed out.
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