Friday, March 14, 2008

When the Wind Blows

Eva has lately taken to writing. She writes notes and letters and makes signs for her bedroom door. We're lucky if we can keep her working in the medium of paper (and not, say, walls, or a computer screen). Her spelling is as creative as her verse. I asked her to write a poem for me last night and the above text is what she came up with, sounding each word out for herself. The result is strangely appealing (if I do say so myself); a kind of e.e. cummings-esque work. The poem is called "win the wind blows" ["When the Wind Blows"]. Here's a transcription, followed by a translation, of sorts.

at nite the
wind blos but
no bute no
amials that are
a sle can not
even the aminols
can good nit
for nao

[At night the
wind blows but
Nobody no
animals that are
asleep cannot
even the animals
can good night
for now].

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